Monday, March 4, 2013

A girl and her Bop.

Once upon a time, before Kylie was even born, the hubs and I were out and about, talking and dreaming about our little girl, when we stopped in front of the Disney store and decided to go in, and we left buying the first things we ever bought her.  

A Pooh Bear and Piglet.  

They sat in her cradle which she never slept in, and then later in her crib.  One morning when I went to get her up she was just holding them, she was so tiny only 7 months old, it was so cute and endearing.  I didnt realize that this was the start of something.  One of the first words she ever said was Bop, she had named pooh bear Bop, and Piglet Piggy.  We spent countless mornings and afternoons watching every Winnie the Pooh movie that was ever Made.  In fact she took them every where.  Mostly Bop, Piggy sorta just hangs out in bed these days.  But Bop is a constant compainion, she wont even let any one else hold him. He is her Bop, or so she tells us.  And he looks loved, they both do. I've washed them both so many times, its ridiculous.  And sweet.  For four and a half years she has loved this bear.  In fact if you ever asked her about Bop she would tell you how much she loves him and tell you all the adventures they've been on together.   And I hope that never changes. Which I'm sure it will.  I will save Bop for her, when she grows and forgets her love for him.  So one day she can give him to her own little ones. 

Here's to a good Monday all.

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