Thursday, June 6, 2013

Instagram Captures

This week has been rough.  In rough I mean, my husband has been gone all week.  Since Sunday.  Sure he still comes home at night but literary its just to sleep.  He leaves a 9 and doesn't come home till 11/12 at night.  I always new this was a chance, after all that's what happens when your the boss, but still its hard on him, on our kids, and on me.  Being completely alone start to finish of everyday, taking care of the girls, running all the errands, and all other normal chores, its exhausting.  Sadly for us there's no light at the end of our tunnel yet, but I'm doing my best to keep my head up.   Taking the girls to his restaurant for lunch, cause we need our daddy fix. :)
At least its Thursday  AMIRIGHT?

 photo victoria_signature1_zps516fcff8.png

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