Friday, October 5, 2012

A week in a Funk/Instagram # 22

Hello All.  Its Friday yay! Kylie has off from school today so I promised her we would go exploring.  Im hoping it doesn't end in disaster.  

Have I ever mentioned my love for Instagram?  Im sure I have, its pretty awesome.  Come find me, I love making new Insatagram friends, and checking out new feeds. @ victorimyers 

Can I also mention to all of you, I have some serious writers block, or is it Blog block? 
 I've been working on a few things, but I cant seam to focus... Im not sure if its due to being so busy or just needing some time to gather my thoughts, but I cant seam to finish anything.  Im kinda surprised I even finished this?  Hope that soon I have something good to share with ya'll.  

Lexi decided crawling wasnt for her, she now scoots everywhere, it is seriously the cutest thing ever.  My future Artist. Me enjoying the lovely fall weather we were having. Alexia seriously loves the forward facing camera it can make her smile, and make all sorts of other adorable faces.  Kylie inisted she needed this butterfly mask from Target, and now she is running around say she is a super hero, Lady butterfly.  Best five bucks spent in a long time.  Its normal to think everything your child makes is a work of art right?  I think so.  

Hope every one has a good week end! 


life rearranged

1 comment:

  1. CUTE kiddies! Love the purple cat. With a feather tail. Obvs.

    Thanks for linking up!


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